My Zmokie - Water Bottle Bong
Get ready to smoke in the most discreet way there is with this stunning piece, My Zmokie - Water Bottle Bong. If you’re one of those smokers that needs to be careful when smoking cannabis, then congratulations, you just landed on the perfect water bong when it comes to being discreet. It can sound questionable, but when hitting this water pipe it just looks as if you were drinking pure water. When you are ready to start your sesh, in order for this Zmokie Water Bottle Bong to work, simply fill in the water, flip the mouthpiece, and you will see a bowl located under the mouthpiece. Pack your bowl and then place it in the ready spot, and just like that light it up as you would do with any regular bong. This water bong was created for your adventurous seshes, since it was made for the user to take it anywhere on-the-go. It was made with a high quality and durable plastic, as beneficial to withstand drops that will shatter a glass bong.
- Bowl
- Advanced water filtration
- Steam attachment
- Heat resistant high quality bowl
- Great functionality
- Made with high quality materials